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Bango Developer
  1. Bango Resale
  2. For resellers
  3. Reseller API reference
  4. Standard reasons for suspend, cancel, revoke, and terminate

Standard reasons for suspend, cancel, revoke, and terminate

Use these categories and codes when suspending, canceling, revoking, or terminate an entitlement

When you suspend, cancel, revoke, or terminate an entitlement, you include a reason as part of the API request. The reason is defined as both a machine-readable category and code, and a human-readable description. Bango defines a standard set of reason categories and codes: always use these categories and codes. Bango also defines some sample descriptions: you can use a more specific description if you wish.

If you don't see an appropriate reason code for the category, use OTHER. The Bango Platform may reject API requests using categories and codes not listed here.

Bango IndexReason CategoryReason CodeReason DescriptionNotes
1CUSTOMER_CANCELLEDNOT_RENEWEDCustomer has not renewed their entitlement
2CUSTOMER_CANCELLEDCHANGED_SERVICECustomer has changed merchant service
3CUSTOMER_CANCELLEDCUSTOMER_CANCELLEDCustomer has cancelled their addon entitlement
4CUSTOMER_CANCELLEDEXPIREDThe entitlement reached its expiry date and it was automatically cancelled by the Bango PlatformTriggered when expiry date is set in entitlement creation
5CUSTOMER_CHANGEDCUSTOMER_CANCELLED_BUNDLECustomer has cancelled their bundled entitlement
6CUSTOMER_CHANGEDCUSTOMER_CANCELLED_ADDONCustomer has cancelled their addon entitlementCan be determined via Product Key
7REVOKEDACCOUNT_TERMINATEDCustomer has closed their accountCan be determined via Product Key
8REVOKEDSUSPENDED_CANCELEntitlement cancelled due to suspension terms
9CUSTOMER_CHANGEDCHANGED_SERVICECustomer has activated the service through another party
11ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKFRAUDEntitlement has been cancelled due to known fraud
12ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKFRAUD_CHECKEntitlement has been cancelled due to suspected fraudSuspend/Resume API preferred
13ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKCUSTOMER_NOT_ELIGIBLECustomer is no longer eligible for the serviceEdge case: eligibility checks should occur before the entitlement is created
14ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKCUSTOMER_NOT_ELIGIBLE_TEMPORARYCustomer is temporarily no longer eligible for the serviceEdge case: eligibility checks should occur before the entitlement is created. Suspend/Resume API preferred
15ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKCUSTOMER_PAYMENT_DEFAULTCustomer has defaulted payment.Supsend/Resume API preferred
16ACTIVATION_ROLLBACKMERCHANT_ACCOUNT_CHANGEDCustomer has changed merchant account
17REVOKEDOTHERReseller/Merchant to provide details
18REVOKEDOTHERReason unknown
19REVOKEDROLLBACK_ERRORError during activation requires rollback
20REVOKEDROLLBACK_CONNECT_ERRORTimeout during activation requires rollback
21REVOKEDPRODUCT_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLEReseller or merchant no longer offers this product
22REVOKEDPARTNER_RETURNPartner wants to return the product license they have purchased from Bango.
23REVOKEDCUSTOMER_RETURNCustomer wants to return the product license they have purchased from Bango.
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