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Bango Developer
  1. Bango Payment
  2. Transactions
  3. Subscriptions and recurring transactions

Subscriptions and recurring transactions

Taking regular payments from users

You can use the Bango Platform to process recurring charges. For example, you might want to charge a user a small amount monthly or annually to maintain a subscription to a service you provide. The Bango Platform does not include subscription functionality: you must make the appropriate Bango Payment API requests at the appropriate times. However, you should let the Bango Platform know that a charge is related to a subscription: Bango supplies this information to payment providers for compliance checking, customer bills, and so on.

With recurring payments:

  • You must ensure you comply with the rules about consumer consent, information, and support issued by payment providers that you activate
  • You must identify and authenticate the user before the first charge
  • You must take payments using the Bango Payment API at the times you agreed with the consumer
  • You must provide information about the subscription in the API request to support the requirements of payment providers

The Bango Platform records and reports on all transactions as normal. Bango supplies payment providers with information about your transactions to help confirm you are in compliance with their requirements.

Payment providers usually require that you distinguish charges made automatically (such as recurring payments for a subscription) from charges the user initiated (for example, "click to buy").

To identify a charge as a recurring charge made automatically: when you make the API request to authorize payment, include the property subscriptionFrequency in the extensionData of the request's body parameters. The value should be a string describing the frequency, for example monthly. See Bango Payment / Merchant API reference / API reference overview.

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