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Bango Developer
  1. Bango Resale
  2. For resellers
  3. Reporting
  4. Reseller Entitlement Reports v2

Reseller Entitlement Reports v2

Receiving reports about your entitlements

Bango creates daily, weekly, and monthly reports grouped by merchant, and stores them in your own dedicated Amazon S3 bucket. You can use these reports for reconciliation purposes.

Reports are published within 24 hours of the end of the reporting period.

Access control

When you sign up to use the Bango Reseller API for resellers, Bango Support will supply you with:

  • Amazon S3 endpoint: all your reports will be stored here
  • Access key: your unique username for accessing the S3 endpoint
  • Secret key: your unique password for accessing the S3 endpoint

Report types

Active reportDaily, weekly, monthlyAll active entitlements at reporting time
Change reportDaily, weekly, monthlyAll entitlements that changed status during the reporting period
Event reportDaily, weekly, monthlyAll entitlement events during the reporting period (one entitlement may appear several times)
Summary reportDaily, weekly, monthlyFor each product, data about the entitlements in each state – totals, and changes during the reporting period

All reports use UTC timestamps. Weeks start on Monday.


The reports are stored at:



  • customer is your unique Amazon S3 bucket
  • merchant is a merchant account key, as used when creating an entitlement
  • frequency is either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly


Filenames have the format:



  • type is one of:
    • ARfor the Active report
    • CRfor the Change report
    • ERfor the Event report
    • SRfor the Summary report
  • frequency is one of:
    • M for monthly
    • W for weekly
    • D for daily
  • date is one of:
    • For monthly reports: the reporting period expressed asYYYYMM, for example 202008 for August 2020
    • For weekly or daily reports: the start of the reporting period expressed as YYYYMMDD, for example 20200817 for August 17, 2020

For example:

  • The filename AR_V1_W_20200810.csv is the Active report for the week commencing August 10, 2020
  • The filename CR_V1_M_202009.csv is the Change report for September 2020

File formats

All report files are Windows-1252 encoded and contain RFC 4180-compliant comma-separated values (CSV).

The Active report, Change report, and Event report all have the same CSV columns. The Summary report uses a different set of columns.

Active, Change and Event reports

For the Active report, Change report, and Event report, the file contains these columns:

ResellerCustomerIdStringCustomer identifier
BangoEntitlementIdStringThe globally unique entitlement ID
StatusActive, Active-Ending, Suspended, Cancelled, Revoked, Pending, or FailedThe current entitlement status
MerchantAccountKeyStringThe merchant's unique identifier in the Bango Platform
MerchantEntitlementIdStringEntitlement identifier created on the merchant system
ProductKeyStringThe identifier for the merchant service you want to activate for the user. Bango owns these identifiers and makes them available to you as necessary
DisplayNameStringA user-visible string representing the entitlement
CreatedDatedd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss stringUTC datetime at which the entitlement was created in the Bango Platform (status Pending)
ActivatedDatedd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss string or nullUTC datetime at which the entitlement was activated in the Bango Platform (status Active). null if the entitlement is still in a pending state
SuspendedDatedd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss string or nullUTC datetime at which the entitlement was suspended in the Bango Platform (status Suspended). null if the entitlement is still in an Active state
ExpiryDatedd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss string or nullIf an Expiry Date is set on entitlement creation, it is shown here as a UTC datetime. If no expiry date is set, the field is null
LastUpdateddd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss stringUTC datetime at which the entitlement last changed state or its record was updated in the Bango Platform
EndDatedd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss stringUTC datetime at which the entitlement ended in the Bango Platform (status Cancelled or Revoked). If the entitlement status is Active-Ending the UTC datetime will be set in the future to show when the entitlement will be Cancelled. null if the entitlement is still in an Active state.
ExtensionDataFormatStringFormat of the ExtensionData column
ExtensionDataXML serialised to stringAny custom data associated with the entitlement
8c1a4625-6941-4c59-a42a-2463d7e71676,e0a3b246-421f-47bf-9bfb-f5d410ce7ece,Revoked,BANGO,f95fc6b5-828c-46a1-8690-71206f7a141e,BangoMusic,Bango Music Streaming,25/10/2021 15:40:21,25/10/2021 15:42:49,,,01/02/2022 22:33:00,01/02/2022 22:33:00,XML,<ResellerExtensionData><Key1>Value1</Key1><cancelReasonCategory>CUSTOMER_CANCELLED</cancelReasonCategory><cancelReasonCode>NOT_RENEWED</cancelReasonCode><cancelReasonDescription>Customer did not renew their entitlement</cancelReasonDescription></ResellerExtensionData>
ff975d4d-cd7c-49f7-bfc8-0bf734c49e39,08e79e7a-f6dd-4bfc-bfb6-dcbba289ebf2,Active,BANGO,d7c25829-6935-459f-8405-fa29aa30cfa2,BangoMusic,Bango Music Streaming,28/01/2022 14:53:22,01/02/2022 21:45:12,,,01/02/2022 21:45:16,,XML,<ResellerExtensionData>Key2>Value2</Key2></ResellerExtensionData>
644de9cc-e3ec-468e-a7aa-e3e2ec39bc77,69786cf0-a9bd-44af-ad35-04fb7f082714,Pending,BANGO,0a27f69b-2577-4ff9-aac6-b2595f17836e,BangoMusic,Bango Music Streaming,01/02/2022 20:01:25,01/02/2022 20:09:34,,,01/02/2022 20:09:37,,XML,<ResellerExtensionData><Key2>Value2</Key2></ResellerExtensionData>

Example CSV report files can be found here.

Summary reports

For the Summary report, the file contains these columns:

Product DescriptionStringHuman-readable description of the product key
Product KeyStringThe unique identifier for the merchant service
Total Pending EntitlementsNumberTotal number of Pending entitlements
New Pending Entitlements in Current PeriodNumberThe number of entitlements created during the reporting period in a Pending state
Total Active EntitlementsNumberTotal number of Active or Active-Ending entitlements
New Activations in Current PeriodNumberThe number of entitlements activated during the reporting period
Total DeactivationsNumberTotal number of Cancelled or Revoked entitlements
New Deactivations in Current PeriodNumberThe number of entitlements Cancelled or Revoked during the reporting period
Total RejectionsNumberTotal number of rejected entitlements
Total Rejections in Current PeriodNumberThe number of entitlements rejected during the reporting period
Total Failed EntitlementsNumberTotal number of Failed entitlements
Failed in Current PeriodNumberThe number of entitlements set to Failed during the reporting period
EntitlementRouteId,ProductFamily,ProductKey,Total Pending Entitlements,New Pending Entitlements in Current Period,Total Active Entitlements,New Activations in Current Period,Total Deactivations,Total Deactivations in Current Period,Total Rejections,Total Rejections in Current Period,Total Failed Entitlements,Failed in Current Period,A count of total Active + Total Pending Entitlements
56,BangoMusic Streaming,BangoMusic,511,1,437,0,714,0,0,0,8,0,1084
56,BangoMusic Premium,BangoMusicPremium,8561,0,5068,0,20725,19,0,0,17,0,13781

Example CSV report files can be found here.

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